honey extractors

Honey throwers are a long-lasting invention. The first sling was already presented in Brno in 1865 at a walking meeting. There are honey extractors with electric and manual drive. By means of a crank handle the centrifugal basket is rotated by a gearbox. Depending on the design of the slingshot, the honeycomb itself must be used by the beekeeper himself or a device such as this in self-tipping slingers during spinning, in order to extract the honey from both sides of the honeycomb. In addition to this type of construction for smaller slings, in which the honeycombs are arranged tangentially, there are large honey extractor versions with radial honeycomb arrangement here are mostly slings with capacity of 12 to 120 honeycombs. Here are the honeycomb in a holder with the top edge to the outside and it is the slight inclination of the honeycomb cells to the horizontal exploited to the fact that the honey can flow out simultaneously on both sides of the honeycomb. This eliminates the need to turn the honeycomb or the direction of rotation in Selbstwendeschleudern in radial centrifuges. In the 19th century, the honey and honeycomb were melted by warming. The ingredients were later separated. Nowadays the honey is thrown without warming. Therefore, the name is cold spun on the labels, but according to Lebensmittelgestz is not allowed.

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Entdecklungsgabel mit geraden Edelstahl Nadeln und stabilen Kunstoffgriff
8,99 € *
Available immediately
Delivery time: 2 - 6 Workdays
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Entdecklungsgabel mit lackierten Holzgriff, das seit vielen Jahren in der Honigernte bewährte Handwerkzeug des Imkers zur Endecklung der Honigwaben.
9,99 € *
Low stock level
Delivery time: 2 - 6 Workdays
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Umrüstsatz für Honigschleudern von Handantreib auf Elektromotor für Honigschleudern bis 520mm Durchmesser. Drehzahlbereich von 0 - 450 U/min. regelbar. Elektromotor mit 220 Volt und 110Watt Leistung. Enfacher Umbau dank mitgeliefertem Zubehör.
Shipping weight:
15,00 kg
Item weight:
10,00 kg
599,95 € *
Low stock level
Delivery time: 2 - 6 Workdays

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