bee food
What is bee food - honey, flowerpots and water. These three components served the bees for over 30 million years for food. Today, the requirements for the bees are many times higher. Stressed by environmental pollution, pesticides, migrations, varroosis and higher performance demands bees need more than ever an optimal care. Important components of this care are a feeding adapted to the needs of the bee and the quality of the bee feed for the feeding before and after the Nektartrachten. The bees feed in the form of sugar syrup, mashed dough and sugar water should be well absorbed by the bees at all times and should not crystallize in the honeycombs. We prefer beeswax syrup and mashed dough made from sucrose, which is also used for human nutrition.
Feed dough for feeding or queen rearing, the universal bee feed for all feedings. Feed dough in a box and foil bag.