Queen breeding

Bee - queen breeding is the centerpiece of every beekeeping. Regardless of the reasons for which beekeeping is concerned, even the beekeeper with only a few bee colonies needs young queen bees to be able to lay off bees or new bees - young colonies. The planned renewal of wisdom reduces the swarm drive and increases the performance of the bee colonies. In order to use traditional costumes, large colonies of bees belong. The queen bee, as an efficient stick mother, has to use enough nectar to donate a sufficiently large honeycomb bottle with eggs. This ability of the queen bee is age-related. A younger queen bee lays more eggs than an older queen bee. Large brood bottles counteract the swarm drive.

Queen breeding is a supreme discipline in beekeeping. One of the...

The Nicot system is one of the mature and modern breeding systems...

The queen bee breeding is a wide field. In addition to the usual...