Solder transformers

In good beekeeping practice it is customary to give the bees a honeycomb frame with a soldered-in middle wall. Such central walls are removed more quickly by the bees, remain in the orientation desired by the beekeeper and are more stable than natural honeycombs. In addition, tensioning wires are drawn into the frame and stabilize the middle wall. In order to solder the middle wall, the beekeeper applies electrical current to the honeycomb wire, which slowly heats up and the middle wall placed thereon is slowly soldered in. The beekeeper needs the soldering equipment to do this. These are short-circuit proof transformers

In stock
Trafolöter for tinned, galvanized and stainless steel wire. The beekeeper provides his frames with center walls. These are attached to a wire stretched into the honeycomb frame by soldering. This transformer enables safe soldering using a low protective voltage.
Shipping weight:
1,20 kg
Item weight:
1,00 kg
49,50 € *
Low stock level
Delivery time: 2 - 6 Workdays

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